Posts by vbquick1

    Is the wall you are mounting the bench on connected to your house? I have beat on my work bench so hard that I thought I was going to break my 100lb vice (most recently removing bolts from a RE superjoint with a sledgehammer). Just remember that the vibrations will be heard in your home if you mount it to a wall, which would never work for me.

    Im not much of a YJ guy, but I seem to remember a YJ guy talking about one up at Rausch saying that one of the setups was a bad design and most guys ended up converting to the more reliable slave (internal external vice versa...I cant remember, it was camp fire talk so I was probably hammered). If none of this makes any sense.....just disregard.

    It was a while ago, it was all of swap was a bit off due to being shackle reversed, but that was not a big difference. I do remember trying to get away with putting a couple washers in on both sides of the mount for the shackle side mount of the front axle. It didn't work....ate up bushings like mad.....I ended up just welding a new piece of pipe on to the existing mount.....that worked fine.

    I use the Battery Tender brand that is just a small plug in wall transformer with a wire that quick connects to the battery. If I remember right, it was $29. I like HF a lot, and buy certain items there. An electronic item that will be used on your jeep and parked in your garage....I would spend the extra few bucks for a reputable tender. You dont want one of these :campfire:

    we have had an ipad since they were released. It doesn't replace a laptop, but for surfing, catching up on tv shows and checking email its great. Truly portable, excellent battery life and the screen is really clear. It depends on how your going to use it, but it was a really good fit for us.

    If you do not feel like converting to U bolts, make sure you use locktite or the straps will loosen and cause a U Joint failure. Switching to U bolts will more likely than not, save you from a trail repair in the future.

    Hey guys,

    I am sure there has been a posting on this in the past, however a search of the forum did not get me anywhere. My out-laws have a 2000 Grand Cherokee with a 4L & automatic. It was stumbling and stalling out, so I replaced the the TPS. I fired it up, test drove it, and it ran great. I thought wow....that was too easy. Well, the outlaws jumped in it and began to return home when we received a call that they only made it about 5 miles and it suddenly stalled out. It would not restart. Ugh. So tonight I went to retrieve the vehicle and it fired right up and drove home fine. When the original problem began, it did not throw any codes, still has not thrown any codes. I connected my obdII scanner to it when I got home and found that not all the sensors had checked in with the computer yet, which is probably normal since I had disconnected the battery while replacing the TPS. I am stumped. Any ideas?

    I should have been more clear on the in/lbs. You torque the nut down until you no longer have any play in the pinion bearing (moving the pinion in and out). Then you torque the nut in small increments until you get 15 in/lbs on the torque wrench while turning the yoke.

    They are designed that way. The best way to install them is with an air impact. If you hold the yoke with your hand and hit it with the air gun, it will go on. If I remember correctly, you are only supposed to put them on one time, technically if you remove the nut, you are supposed to buy a new one. That also sets your load on the pinion bearing, which is measured in inch/lbs.