Posts by Jump150

    Looks pretty good, except it looks like someone had a little too much coffee to drink before cutting, but as you said it does look better then it did. You could try mounting the turn lamps in the supports. If you dont like them there then you tried at least!


    Joe, I would love to go cut up some fenders tonight, but with going wheeling this weekend and next I have to go practice my water ski jumping to get my ankle back in to shape. I cant wait to see the completed pics. and remeber you can always take off a little more metal, but its a lot harder to put it back on!


    Personally, I prefer to use an angle grinder with a cutoff wheel b/c I have alot more control at making a straight line. That is how I cut my rear fender, and plan on cutting Aaron's fron fenders for him.

    Well, Since Aaron wasnt ready in time for the trail ride over the weekend we are making plans to go up this weekend and abuse/test our rigs. We will be needing at least a third if anyone is interested. We plan on doing trails like M and Q!.. (Joe I know you want to prove you make it over that one obstacle without any fender damage :yevil: ) If anyone is interested let us know. Hopefully we can have another dry weekend in a row.
