Posts by cj8

    I thought this was interesting. I was at Q Tec's web site and printing off replacement parts information to compare cost with 4WD Hard. Well, when I got done, I didn't realize it but, the part #'s I put in were actually from the 4WD catalog. In other words, I used the 4WD part # at the Q Tec website and got the same part. I think that is pretty cool.

    I actually brought my wife's car to them to fix a slow leak in the right front (passenger) tire (under warrantee). I then went in to do some shopping. Came out and the guy had the car on the lift. We were checking the tire in the water tank (he had waved for me to come in the garage). Could not find the leak. I suggested a spray bottle with soap. He said yea, but they would have to buy the bottle and soap themself. I suggested the stuff they use to lube and seal sidewalls when mounting a tire on a make a long store short...we could not find the leak. So he put the tire back on the car DRIVER SIDE!! I said the leak was on the passenger side, he said "we check all the tires". I said I would do it at home then bring it in to get fixed. Jeez, has it gone downhill lately. Yes, I found the leak, marked it, and took it it patched from the inside. Forgot to get it rebalanced. :bang:

    Where in Indiana are you going? I was born and raised in Indiana. Moved here in August 2001.
    Just curious.

    I have the 4" Skyjacker Soft Ride. Came with everything except the drop pitman arm. No Sagging (yet?). If you need help installing, I know I would help and there are probably others here who would help.

    Well, this was my rookie run for out here. Having camped Saturday we, (James78, Slimer and myself) headed out Sunday, probably around 10:00. James and his family lead the way. We went through some regular trail rutted paths, then to the off camber hills. We scoped the best, safest direction (so we hope). James went first and made it look simple (slight tail pipe problem at the end). Next up was Slimer, and as he said spot we helped with counter weight and then the damaged fender. Finally my turn. Right away I high center the Scrambler, Slimer pulls me back down and I go again. This time I made it. From there the rest of that trail went just fine. After this, Bill (red jeep?) showed up and showed Slimer and myself some other trails while James and his family decided to head home. All in was muddy fun.
    Learned some things.
    1.) 4H is to pull the shifter back, 4L is to push the shifter forward...I should have used 4L in certain spots.
    2.) I have a much better idea of necessary tools (per Alex's breakdown).

    I have freezer space if you need.