Posts by turtle

    Jeeps for joy will be there in the vendors area, last year was our first year attending and it was really fun. Basically it is more of a socializing event then an actual jeep show like PA Jeeps. Never did make it to Berlin as I was stuck in the convention center parking lot all day but there are some very nice vendor displays at the convention center. It runs from 9-5 but get there earlier in the day as the vendors tend to start packing up as the crowds wane.

    Once again Jack Rose dining saloon in DC is graciously hosting A fundraiser to benefit jeeps for joy. Still working on details but this is a save the date notification for 4-20-16. Sean Brock of Husk restaurants is once again cooking for us, last year the food was amazing and this year is going to be even better!!

    This is your best option in my opinion.

    Make sure you have it welded properly. I think it's supposed to be tig welded. I did a quick mig weld when I did mine and the weld cracked causing a shimmy that was tough to diagnose because the joint was still tight. Anyway...getting your tie rod up a few inches is an added bonus if you go off road at all.

    I mig welded a bunch of those and the only issue I ever had was one of the inserts cracking after many years of hard use.

    You can't expect someone to commit with little information. How about where, when other than after a random day 3 weeks from now and also what are you looking at?

    As far as I know when Tugboat had this setup we were given some sort of permit when you signed up. This is why we didn't jump at this and are pushing the meals on wheels thing for Monday. I think it's an excellent idea, we just need to do it "right"

    This year was a wonderfully successful year at Jeeps for Joy, we expanded our horizons and met many new friends. We attended Ocean City Jeep week and PA Jeeps for the first time as a charity seeing many familiar faces and meeting many new people. Bears were built with new friends and tons of food was delivered to Philabundance through 2 new events. The events were amazing in themselves but working with Wicked Jeeps, Jaxons Jeep club, DEJA and SDJC helped us meet many new people. 7 Power Wheels Jeeps were donated this year along with cooking 4 meals for families staying at the Wilmington Ronald McDonald house. Speaking of the Ronald McDonald house, our Winter wishlist drive brought in the single largest amount of wish list items the house has ever received. Being active is what the Board at Jeeps for Joy has been encouraging since 2012, we had well over 750 individuals actively work with us in 2015!!! Our events got way bigger, we rocked the house in Washington DC with our most amazing fundraiser to date. That evening raise well over $20000 for our cause, the event also expanded our reach to a whole new area for the charity. Through all these interactions it gave us an ability to make donations that mattered this year. An unexpected Christmas was brought to 15 children at a local youth program and also were able to provide a Christmas to a family who was not able to have one. A local family who was in a dire place due to a cancer diagnosis was helped through a hard financial time. Cystic Fybrosis was battled by pedaling bikes. At years end we were also able to contribute a large financial donation to a local youth charity. In total we donated over $30000 this year, this was made possible by all of our supporters!!! Thank you again for making this a wonderful and successful year for Jeeps for Joy!!!

    Join Jeeps For Joy at the Movin for Mallory spin a thon hosted Henry's bikes in Pike Creek on Nov 27th. This is a fund raiser for Cystic Fibrosis and involves people peddling stationary bikes for 24 straight hours, we have sponsored the hour between 6:00 and 7:00 and need people to come pedal with us!!