Posts by clydebeak

    I gave a call over to Cpl. Smeltzer, the officer that handled my report. He said the guy they apprehended Friday wasn't suspected of my break in. They have a copy of the surveillance video so I assume they did some comparrisons that ruled him out.

    I used to carry $500 comprehensive but when I upgraded to the Jeep my insurance went down quite a bit so I lowered my deductible to $250. The insurance guy explained how this is a fire/theft claim so it lowers my deductible to $100. I don't understand insurance jargon. Waiting for the parts and it should be in/out of the shop the same day. Oh well. Lesson learned.

    I haven't been locking the doors because weather permitting the doors are always off. When they are on I leave them unlocked because anyone who wants in doesn't have to try hard to get through the side or rear windows. I locked the console thinking a pressured theif would notice it was locked and just leave the area. How naive of me to think theives subscribe to logic.

    Just think all of these robberies could have been prevented with one good sniper on the roof. All the police would have to bring to the crime seen is a piece of chaulk. Nothing says stop better then a .50 cal. Just smile and wait for flash !!!

    Then my Jeep would look like a red bank bag filled with Spaghetti-Os was opened in it. Plus, those scum bags aren't worth a $9 bullet.

    Someone tried to break into my 08 JKU glove box. They ripped off the handle but never got in. I have learned to keep nothing in my boxes and leave them unlocked. That way they get nothing and they don't rip up the handles and locks. If I do need something that day I keep it in the trunk compartment and lock the tailgate.

    I hope they catch him.

    That is exactly what has happened to my glove box. The handle is still hanging on, but has a ton of play in it and the box wont open. In fact, I can't even get it open without ripping the handle off completely or prying it. My insurance appraisal is today at 11, and "no fault" or uninsured motorist should cover it because it wasn't my fault and I have security footage of the crime.

    This is definitely an eye opener for leaving shit in my compartments. I figured at work, in the front row, in front of a handful of cameras was a pretty safe spot. I take things out when I go to bars, the softball field, etc. - but I never even thought about it here at work.

    It is great to know that the State has used our taxpayer money to install cameras that are useless in performing their secondary task, identifying suspects in the event of a crime. Of course their primary task is to alleviate the State of any fiscal responsibility in the event of a crime on State-owned property as they can say they had them in place. Should give everyone a real warm and fuzzy feeling in the event you are robbed or worse. Awesome...

    Exactly. I watched the footage at every zoom and angle I possibly could and I still couldn't make out anything aside from basic features. Black male, thin build (140-160), between 5'7" and 6', and walks with a slight limp in the right foot/leg. Could have been temporary or due to him having my shit in his pockets. Apparently a nearby DNREC lot was hit recently as well.

    ...This is why we can't have nice things!

    They offered the fingerprint the vehicle at my request, but they warned me the dusting process is permanent and can do more harm then good, especially since I've touched around a lot of the areas he had. (pull handles, console, etc.) He said if they were to get the dust on my seats or anywhere else in the vehicle I would never get it out. I had no idea the stuff was so serious.

    I work at the Public Archive in downtown Dover. The camera has a decent picture, but wasn't enough for police to ID the guy. I have 2 disc copies of the theft occuring. 1 for Dover PD, one for insurance. After reviewing the vehicle with the cop, I noticed he broke the glove box as well (which was locked) and got what looks like blood on my back seats when he climbed to the back to search for things.

    It was a stock console lock and stock glove box lock. I'm going to try to have insurance replace them with Tuffy pieces.

    My guess is he got in, ripped the center console open and in doing so cut his hand. Then he used the knife or multitool that he stole to try to unlock the glove box (you can tell something was shoved into the lock) and then got blood on the seats climbing into the back. God I just want this guy dead in a serious way. I know in the grand scheme it's minor, but I don't have sympathy for scumbags who do this shit.

    I haven't even had it for 6 months and already some scumbag vandal has broken the center console lock, robbing everything inside.

    I parked my jeep with the doors off in the front row of my state office parking lot. (which is monitored by 8 security cameras, god criminals are stupid) At 9:10am a black man walking with a wobble or limp can be seen casing the entire parking lot. After walking by my jeep twice he returns and hops in. He spends 4 minutes inside, breaking the center console completely. He steals a bluetooth headset, a Garmin Nuvi 1450LMT, a pair of polarized Smith sunglasses (my spare pair), a husky multitool, and a pocket knife. He probably used the last 2 items to continue breaking into vehicles. Fucking scumbag.

    Anyway, I have him on tape. I'm filing a police report and insurance claim this morning. I'm out $250 for my deductible because of some waste of life.

    He might be able to get himself an old school Volvo wagon. I forget the model name, but a majority of them were fire engine red. Hideous cars I tell ya.

    I'd go without em. I doubt a door getting stolen would be an issue. My hinge nuts have been rolling around in the center console since the first time the doors came off.

    That always annoyed me as well. I would have to look to other news sources just to find out if the guy accused of a violent robbery is black/white/hispanic/green. Rather than looking at it logically and saying, "Hey, people are most easily distinguished by race and sex, we should include that in our article." They'd rather hide behind the PC banner, even if it means a potentially violent criminal is roaming the community.

    I am having a similar internal debate. I have a 12" JL Audio w7 w/ rockford amp from my old car just sitting in the garage. I'm also worried about water/theft/spacing. Anyone who has run a sub please chime in. Sorry for half-jack.

    Oh man, don't get me started on the News Journal! What type of bullshit online news provider tries to charge for DIGITAL CONTENT!? Unheard of. I refuse to give TNJ a single red cent. Half the articles contain half the information, and others contain no information at all! I get better news coverage at the water-cooler. I did use to have a jolly time blasting the idiots who regurgitate the daily Beck/Limbaugh talking points though...
