Posts by wanderlust

    I'd like to get one night in this week and can't do Thurs, Fri, or Sat. Would have liked to go this past weekend but had to get Holiday things together at home. I agree, the next few weeks will be more difficult, but I'd like to try to get in once a week if possible.

    Let me see check the home schedule for this week and I'll get back to you.


    That thread has all of my northern boxes listed. If they can get to it, I would suggest they take them to La Petite on Rt. 7 in Hockessin, they can donate them there.

    If they are in Newark, they are welcome to drop them off to me at home at:

    8 Bisbee Road
    Newark, DE 19711

    My cell is 302-388-5888 if you or any of them need to call for directions or anything else.


    Im going to put up a donation box at my work. (Johnson Controls Inc.) Is there anything I should know before doing so? Of course I will talk with my employer first, but as far as the JFJ side of it, is there anything? I have printed out the Box Poster.

    If you have the poster printed out, the 11x17 for the front of it, that should be all you need, along with the actual donation box of course. We usually fold the bottom of the box in and tape it, tape the top flaps to be open (to make the box taller), then gift wrap the sides of the box and stick the poster on the front. The website is on there if anyone needs additional info. We do also have a letter written for the daycares to hand out to parents and families to explain the event, but you probably don't need that for work.

    Thanks for the support. Theres ONLY 2 weeks left, so if you're going to get a box out, do it asap. The only other things needed is to bring the donations, along with YOUR donation, to the toy drive on the 13th. Thanks again, and please introduce yourself at the event so I can thank you in person.

    and since the Economy is not that great, we've even cut that back some too.

    Speaking of cutting back, there will be NO Jeeps for Joy shirts this time out. Sorry, but we decided with the economy and foreseeing a decrease in donations that the money would be better spent on buying more donations. I hate to have to do this, but shirts are expensive and the money is just better spent elsewhere.

    I'm not going to make it today either, we were out all day yesterday and have too much to do at home. I'll have to check my schedule at work this week to see if any nights will work, but hopefully one earlier in the week.

    Sunday should be good, I will confirm with you one way or another. Saturday is out for me too. I might try to get some time in on Friday night, but sounds like you'll be busy, or tired. Or both. I might just go boulder for awhile if I can squeeze it in.

    I'm working Friday, but off next weekend. I know the wife is itching to get the Xmas stuff out, but I'm hoping to steal at least a few hours at the gym one of those days. Not sure what nights I have this week with the holiday.

    Don and I went on Sunday, but Chris didn't make it. Climbing with a color-blind guy is a whole new set of challenges, but we had a good day. Gym starting getting pretty busy around 3 or so.

    we are meeting earlier...between 5:30-6:00...only going to climb till about 7:30

    Sorry Chris, that's my doing. Selena needs to run out somewhere and felt going when the girls are going to bed would be best, so me going to the gym first thing after work is what fits her schedule. Sorry to hear Jack is sick, hope he's feeling better soon and hope there's a way you can make it tomorrow.

    I never have, but am looking forward to doing it one day. Chris (bmf24) here has climbed outdoors in Michigan and Canada I believe, and he may have done some ice climbing too. I don't think I'd be into the ice thing.

    I usually have my Liberty there (silver), but I'm sure I'll bring the TJ (also silver) up now and again. Post up here if you can meet some time, the more the merrier.

    Been a rough week Dave, sorry I haven't been able to call with a night. The only night I can do this week would be tomorrow, Friday. Saryn had an eye injury at school on Monday, and now Adyson has strep throat. So between visits to AI on Monday, the eye doc on Tuesday for Saryn, and Adyson to the doc yesterday, I've been missing work or needing to stay late this week.

    Can you do tomorrow? I know being young and not having kids you've probably got a fun filled night of drinking planned.... :spinrhead:

    Dave, Chris and I met there last Thursday and had a good night of climbing/ bouldering. Dave and I went again on Sunday night, but only for 1/2 hour. My 4-4/2 year old Adyson joined us to see if she would like it, but she didn't want to do any rope climbs, and would only go about head height on the bouldering walls with someone holding her. Maybe not her time yet, will probably try again next year or when she says she wants to go now that she knows what it's like.

    Trying to find a night this week to go.

    I get off work at 6PM and would be driving from Kennett, maybe I would be able to meet up with you guys towards the end of your climb? I climbed a couple times at the U of D, and am probably rusty with the knot, but would I have to take their test at this gym again?

    Probably get there before everyone's done climbing, we left last time close to 8pm. I climbed before too (not at UD though) and felt I was rusty. I was going to take their test but they do things differently than I was used too, so I decided to wait and take the class when I can. Class is offered Thursday night and Sunday morning (check their site's weekly events page). I think the class would be well worth it. $35 for class and day climbing pass.

    You do not need to take the class to either climb (if you have someone who can belay for you), or boulder in the lower rock walls. Mellowyellow belayed for me on a few wall climbs last time, but we spent most of the time on the bouldering walls.

    Pine Barrens is still a bit of a ride to get to, but makes a nice day trip. If you're in DE, there's no where legal and public to go. Welcome.