Posts by SimpleSimon

    Icom 7300, I want one bad. Or, maybe I'll wait for the 7610 which will be out soon. SDR is the future of radio. Ok on wolf river- and Alpa unit- you must have them set up to cover different bands.
    For mobile, I only have Kenwood TM71A, dual band Larsen on front left fender, plus cheap CB and Husler mid-coil ant. Right rear (2012 JK)
    For Shack, Kenwood TS590S, Icom 208H dual band/base ant. Vibroplex bug(s), tuner, need better HF ant.
    NPOTA was a great event- one I did not partake of, and one I regret!! Hoping for a re-do.
    Did you make a lot of contacts? And back to 'Lift and Tire suggestions'

    I suggest if you have a DD, you cant do better than standard tires and Rubber (what i got)
    ''Course, I'm also an old fart (so they tell me) so what do I know?
    17" SRA's Sport Alum wheels, I'm getting an honest 20 mpg according to computer.


    Joe, I think I remember you...a long (er) time ago I paid the dues for a year, attended a meeting or two....weren't you the one with the stirrup for a step to get in the Jeep? And, you only had FWD because you rear drive shaft was broke?
    Apologies if that wasn't you. Maybe someone can set me straight. -Simon

    Eh...I like the 6spd in Jen's JK. We would have preferred an auto only out of laziness as it's a daily driver mall crawler but I enjoy driving it. She was more particular about getting the color she wanted than what trans it had so 6-spd it was... That being said it's a Rubi with 4.10's so you get into the 3.6's powerband quickly and don't suffer the same issues of having to ride the clutch.

    Half my problem is I can't hear the motor, and I can't feel it, either (at low rpm)- so I'm thinking an exhaust upgrade- something with a little sound- is there any negative to that?

    I have a '12 JK manual 6 speed, 321 gears (bought maybe 9 mo.s ago).
    Love the Jeep, not so much the 'hole shot'.
    I knew it was 'different' when I test drove it, but figured I could deal with it.
    BTW, I've drove manuals maybe 85% my whole life (I'm 64 (I think)).
    It had 52+K miles on it when I bought it. The gas pedal it 'fly by wire', no mechanical connection like my old YJ. It feels weird, to say the least. The pedal engages higher up than what I was used to, and seems very ambiguous until it does.
    The motor (3.6) has no power until 17-1800, so it's no help. If you don't burn a little clutch, or nail it just right, you will stall (embarrassing!)
    So that's my experience with the 6-speed. Thx for listening!

    Are there any particulars / details / whys about this other than what is in the news? These are the people that keep us safe, and are here when the worst happens. I can't make any sense out of it.

    Having bought a used JK lately, I can say they are all overpriced, whether privet or dealer. I 'had' to buy something, looked around for 6-8 months before getting something semi-reasonable. Winnerauto in Newark.
    Good luck,

    Just a note about face book- I might be the only person on face earth that don't use it- tried it once, and everyone I never wanted to talk too came out of the woodwork (old GF ex wife somebody thinks I owe money to)...took me about 30 seconds to cancel - guess I aint that social :)

    Even though I'm a 'guest', I'll help out a little bit. I did belong to this club years ago, but couldn't commit much time, or go to meetings much; but of as late, got the urge to haunt jeep forums again. That's because I bought a 2012 JK 2-door about 2 months ago, so of course I gots to read up on it!! My old YJ has 230--- miles on it, so time for a 'new' one. Quite a difference, if I may say so! Hey, do I get a 'Senior Discout' or anything if I 'join the club'? I'm close to signing up for Medicare. Don't laugh, it'll happen you also -if your lucky!