Up-Coming Trail Rides

  • :note: Here are the trail rides that are coming up:

    Saturday November 6 - Toys for Tots Ride at Paragon Adventure Park :wavey:

    Saturday/Sunday November 13/14 - George Washington National Forest with camping

    Saturday November 20 - BMJA Turkey Fry Ride at paragon Adventure Park (note, this is open to those who are BMJA members)

    Saturday/Sunday December 4/5 - Paragon Open Ride (guided rides, individuals welcome - see Paragon's board http://www.paragonap.com to sign up)

    Saturday December 18 - Paragon Adventure Park :wavey:

    Please see entries on the calendar for more information.

    (rides marked with :wavey: are DeJA sponsored rides that are eligible for trail badges)

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