Delaware Rock Gym

  • Post here if you are going to the rock gym. :suspicious:

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

  • That being said, I am going next Monday. I will be there around 6 again.

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

  • good thing i looked here before starting a new thread.....ill post a link in the old thread

    ill try to make monday. i will be working at another location thursday-monday. if we wrap up early, ill be able to make it monday.

    for those of you who might want to try this, check out the web site paul posted above. you can take the beginner course and get your tie-in and belay testing included in the 35 dollar course. you also get to climb the rest of the day, or you can boulder (lower walls, no ropes) for 15 bucks a day (no course required)

    don't let the idea scare you away. the gym is set up so that it is as easy as climbing a ladder, or a challenge for the experienced climber. you use both arms, and legs to get you up the wall. i can do about 2 pull-ups, and have a medical condition that has me on cardio and lifting limits, and this sport is well within my limits. finally found something i can do to keep in shape, that i enjoy. i encourage everyone to check it out sometime.

  • Also any newbies that want to come and check it out for FREE on Monday I'll be there with TWO free passes for first time climbers at the De Rock Gym location :roll: (OFFER GOOD FOR DeJA MEMBERS ONLY ;))

    *if you don't own climbing shoes you can rent them there for $5

    see ya there :wavey:

    It's A Jeep Thing...You Wouldn't Understand
    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*

  • I will be coming up i need to get some climbing in asap.

    bLaTaNt DiSrEgArD<br /><br /><br />TJ 98 4 banger gone but not fogotten<br />WJ 02 limited- Do all vehicle &quot;QUICK THROW A LOCKER AT IT!!!&quot;

  • I get off work at 6PM and would be driving from Kennett, maybe I would be able to meet up with you guys towards the end of your climb? I climbed a couple times at the U of D, and am probably rusty with the knot, but would I have to take their test at this gym again?

  • yea. and you have to do it as soon as you get there.

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

  • I get off work at 6PM and would be driving from Kennett, maybe I would be able to meet up with you guys towards the end of your climb? I climbed a couple times at the U of D, and am probably rusty with the knot, but would I have to take their test at this gym again?

    Probably get there before everyone's done climbing, we left last time close to 8pm. I climbed before too (not at UD though) and felt I was rusty. I was going to take their test but they do things differently than I was used too, so I decided to wait and take the class when I can. Class is offered Thursday night and Sunday morning (check their site's weekly events page). I think the class would be well worth it. $35 for class and day climbing pass.

    You do not need to take the class to either climb (if you have someone who can belay for you), or boulder in the lower rock walls. Mellowyellow belayed for me on a few wall climbs last time, but we spent most of the time on the bouldering walls.

  • you also do not need to take the class to to belay either as long as you can pass the test.

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

  • cody, jera, and I will be there

    we are not going tonight. shooting for the weekend....

    i take that back. i'll be up there. Just not sure what time yet....

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

    Edited once, last by NitroRubi ().

  • there were soooo many people last night. they had a shoe demo from la sportiva. probably 50 climbers or more.

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

  • I'm hoping to go Sunday morning for the 11am class then maybe climbing for a bit after. Depends on the wife's schedule.

  • let me know your after climb availability. i can meet you there around 12 and climb for a bit. since you have climbed before, the class should be pretty easy. once you get the hang of it, they test you and you are done.

  • good day today. place got pretty busy. you guys heading over tomorrow? anyone want to go thursday night?

  • I can't go on Monday or Wednesday this week. Not sure about tuesday, but I'm hoping to go Thursday night.

  • not sure about tomarrow. depends on how work is. might just workout at home

    *bLaTaNt DiSrEgarD oFfRoAd*<br /><br />&quot;Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. <br />One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.&quot;

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