Posts by Icky

    I attended my first meeting and joined DEJA in either Feb. or March.

    That was the first meeting after Steve Smith's accident and was when the election of the BOD was held.

    It was quite a drama filled meeting, but thanks to Paul getting elected DEJA lived on and has continued to be a great place to be.

    Incredible! That was my first meeting too! I think it was Chris Hall's first one as well!

    My parents' 2005 WK's check engine light came on. The code is U1411 which, from my online research, means "Implausible Fuel Volume Signal Received". Any idea what this means? They have an appointment at the Jeep dealership on Wednesday, but just trying to figure out what it is and how much it'll cost them to repair.


    I'm so envious of guys with short hair. Here's how I deal with top-down drives:

    I take a visor, pull it down over my head so that it's around my neck. I pull my hair into a high ponytail, and then move the visor up onto the top of my forehead. It does a great job of keeping all those stray hairs around the face back, and giving the face some shade too. Plus I secretly hope that with my hair exposed, the sun will give me some natural caps can't do that. I also have an awesome pair of 99-cent eBay tinted safety glasses that hug my face and keep all wind out of my eyes (and keep my contacts from drying out.)

    If I can't find my favorite visor, I pull my hair back into a low ponytail and throw a baseball cap on. Or, pull the ponytail through the hole in the back of the baseball cap.

    Either way seems to work ok for me.

    Sorry, unless I specifically know the person, I'm not stopping. Just because someone drives a Jeep doesn't mean they aren't a lunatic. Most people have cell phones and/or AAA to help them out in that situation...I'm not risking my life in the process.

    i used to wheel on my construction site when i was building the hotel. there was a pile of rock and concrete chunks that i used to crawl over. the site contractor even moved some rocks for me once to make it harder to go up them. usually on a sat afternoon when everyone was done working some of the guys wanted me to go drive over something in the jeep. of course, it was my site, so i had my permission to do so. it was a good 15 minutes of fun.

    I can provide a visual:

    9500 pound is when the line is on the last wrap on the drum with the line in a snatch block doubled back to the jeep. with that said we smoked 8000 pound winches before at our land but they were all single line pulls. at the same if you set up correctly you should be able to get by with a 6000, but it is nice to have the power when you need it.

    my step-dad has a MM9500 on his CJ-7 and it has been used with no problems other than a line kink but that was user error, another guy in our club smoked one, sent the motor back and got a 12000 as a replacement. it all depend on the user on how long it lasts

    You guys are missing the joke.....look closely at the winch rating james posted...95,000...

    Sailcloth tops came from factory for TJs from 01-06. They are thicker and quieter than the 00-older tops.

    It's also important to note that, from the factory, 4-ply sailcloth tops came on 01-02 TJ's whereas only 3-ply sailcloth tops were available on '03+ TJ's. Prior to '01 I believe the tops were only 1-ply

    The extra ply definitely makes a difference...I can tell that my '01 TJ is quieter than Chris' '03 TJ.