Embroiderd clothing

  • Hey guys...just thought I would throw out there that I am affliated with a company that does Embroiderd clothing. Pretty much anything you want embroidered they can do it if they carry that type of clothing and if its not to out there they will try to find it and do it for you. No order is to big for this company. The min. order size is 12 items though. If anyone is interested I can send you a catalog and brochure.

    Thank You
    Cody Stevenson

  • Our club clothes are all done by a company in Newark. I forget the name but Paul deals with them. He's already talked about getting another order togethar soon.

    Former V.P. (2006-2007)
    V.P. of Jeeps for Joy (2004-2010)
    President of Jeeps for Joy (2010-2012)
    Beater Build Winning Driver (2009)

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