swapping parts from a '89 Blazer to a '93 Wrangler

  • hey everyone,

    i have a blazer (that i'm also parting out if anyone's interested) that i'm taking parts from. my fuel sending unit in my tank went bad and it no longer reads the right amount of gas in my tank (its not the guage, i checked.) i've dropped the tank twice on the YJ and temporarily fixed the problem. (sensor arm was too far from the receiving end on the float) does anyone know if the fuel sending unit for the blazer would do the same job, or if it is the same as my YJ's?
    just looking for some insight before i go and drop the blazer tank.

  • Dont know for sure, but I highly doubt they are similar. I am pretty sure that the Chevy ohm readings are opposite as the Chrysler ones.


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