Let's Do Our Part...

  • :up: :up:

    I hate when people do this! If I find any while fishing I take the time to get it all out or as much as I possibly can. If I see some jackhole dropping line you better believe I'm going to say something!!

    I always keep a plastic bag or two with me when out fishing, hiking or whatever. Just one of those good habits passed down from dad. We usually walk out with a full bag of trash.

    Your life is made up of 2 dates and a dash... make the most of the dash!

  • Good post keith. Most places in Delaware have a fishing line recycle bin. Woody and Flutterby was there when I had to catch a seagull all wrapped up in fishing line on the surf. I usually have a bag full of line everytime I leave to surf because I use conventional reels and I tend to blow my reels out.

    Anytime you take your 20+ year old jeep apart plan on fixing more them you intended.

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