Email Notification Of PM's

  • when i get a email notification that i have a PM all it shows is (none) in the subject line. Has anyone else had this problem? I use Yahoo.

  • yeah, some people are getting blank emails. I haven't figured out what the cause it. most of the emails going out are good.

    Jerry / Whatevah

    2020 Gladiator Mojave - 33" Falken mud tires, LoD side steps, Zroadz bed rack, Quadratec QRC winch bumper, Superwinch EPi 9.0, Kleinn on-board air, Kleinn air horns, lots of lights, Yaesu ham radio with GPS tracker.

    Gone- 2012 JK Rubicon with stuff. Long gone- Long-arm 2001 Cherokee with stuff.

  • I have the same thing with yahoo. At first I couldn't figure out what it was, but I got it. It doesn't bother me now that I know what those blank messages are. :shrug:

    You do own a hairdryer don&#039;t you she asked? Of course I do, he replied, it&#039;s in the driveway, it&#039;s called a Jeep.<br /><br />Current - 97 TJ, 99 WJ, 12 Scion tC<br />Past - 94 ZJ, 02 TJ, 06 Rubicon, 06 XK, 07 Scion tC

  • another twist...when i recieve my notification via hotmail (login) or outlook express it is blank. when i get it on my blackberry i get the entire message? (blackberry uses same address, not forwarded)

  • it's because the entire email was sent, but mis-encoded. Blackberry is smart enough to figure it out. I think I found the cause... I'll try to fix it later, will take me a couple hours to do.

    Jerry / Whatevah

    2020 Gladiator Mojave - 33" Falken mud tires, LoD side steps, Zroadz bed rack, Quadratec QRC winch bumper, Superwinch EPi 9.0, Kleinn on-board air, Kleinn air horns, lots of lights, Yaesu ham radio with GPS tracker.

    Gone- 2012 JK Rubicon with stuff. Long gone- Long-arm 2001 Cherokee with stuff.

  • I have my settings set to receive email notifications when I get new PMs and I have the correct email address in my accoutn settings but I am not receiving any type of notifications. Could someone check my account and help me out. FYI - I use Gmail.


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